Just been shopping with my partner. Why cant men seem able to choose their own clothes? He thinks he is taller and slimmer than he really is. And dont get me started on his shoes. He has complained for years about his shoes hurting. Until I suggested he try a bigger size. And he is not thick, I promise.
Lol, I sympathise!
Mr O thinks he is 30 years younger than he really is. His last purchase was some straight legged jeans. Once I'd finished laughing I told him they made him look like a cross between Max Wall and Richard III. He took them back.
I buy everything on line and he chooses. He doesn't seem to notice that he only makes a choice from what I've already selected. I send back what he doesn't like. Size doesn't matter when you buy on line as you can buy several sizes. He does buy his own shoes though. What do you expect, he's a bloke? To expect too much just leads to constant frustration. Lower your expectations and life will be more harmonious.