He must have been kecking his pants! Still, it is good that he has so many backup useraccounts, the Ed allows him you know.
LFCfan5 I like your style and look forward to "seeing" you on here again. xx
I must go now, I have left my boys playing with scissors and matches and the front door is open with cars speeding by! NOT!
To think that legendisodd thinks he can make a comment to me about the whereabouts of my children! That is so funny and yet hugely inappropriate at the same time coming from an errant father. Shame on you legendisodd!
Lol, well my kids r robbing wheels off cars & i told them off b4 for not taking the whole car, wot good r just the wheels 2 me?
Last night they were out mugging LEGENDS, or is that Leg Ends, lol, thats all the legend is on here a fooking leg end.