Could someone please tell me step by step how I can burn off an iso file using Nero 9. The file is a software program. How can I tell if the file should be burnt onto a CD or DVD?
I'm experiencing problems installing freeisoburner. I've downloaded it from the link and two other sources and each time a message appears that C:\mcdbp.log could not be created or found.
The interface fails to show either of my CD/DVD drives in the list - the drop down menu is empty. If I select "burn" anyway, a message appears stating that no drives are present.
I'm using Vista Home Premium. Could this be the cause?
Is there any alternative freeware out there?
Thank you both very much. I tried Googling mcdbp.log to see if I could resolve the issue but I got nowhere with it. BurnCDCC worked like a dream. Nevertheless I'm still very grateful for the isoburner suggestion ChuckFickens. It's probably my PC!