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Corrie's Maria

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chelle7272 | 12:03 Fri 30th Oct 2009 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers
What on earth is going on with her make-up lately?!


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All that I have noticed is that she looks a lot older and more mature. But she is well pregnant now so might just be tired.
If thats bad make-up I'm gonna buy some. I would love to look like her, she is stunning
actually Lottie in real life she has just given birth.....
I actually think she looks better now than when she looked like a dolly bird. More interesting and more natural now.

I didn't realise she was that far pregnant ummmm.
How far in advance to they film?
She looks dreadful, someone keeps attacking her with that green eye-shadow seemingly with a trowel, it's often not even on straight!

It's like they're trying to make her less pretty, rather than more
I fi rineibl aannoying - she whinges "tonay"

doesn't he die today'
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What have I written???

I find her most annoying, she whinges "Tonay"
but she didn't have little liam in real life.
I don't think he is going to die Neti.

I read one article that said 'his supposed death bed'. I think he believes he is dying which is why he confesses and then doesn't die. Oh dear!!
no he doesn't die netibiza....but he thinks he is going to and confesses all to Roy.....then he recovers
Neti. Please translate

fi rineibl aannoying
Too much Spanish plonk!!!!
and so the lesson is - even if you think you're dying, dont open your bl00dy mouth - especially is you live on coronation street. I believe he tells roy - god knows what he'll do with it
Well, I want him to die, he has one big eye and can't stand him or Maria, and Molly's horrible aswell, although I could (and did in my younger days) fancy Kevin!1 Wonder what language this will appear in???
I thought Roy was in Romania as they keep saying in every episode to try sell the DVD
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yes pigieton that eyeshadow is what I meant, she is stunning but that looks dreadful!

Neti - I just said that about his eye to my son this morning! I really thought he was going to die today - is it wroing that I'm diappointed lol, he is soooo annoying and I loved Liam he was gorgeous :c)
they film in advance around 6 to 8 weeks loftie

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