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bibblebub | 06:47 Sun 27th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
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doubters - you are banished


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Whilst i love that one, this, for me, is the best one (yes I know its not an official world cup song)
09:02 Sun 27th Jun 2010
Inspiring! It should be shown in the England dressing room just before the game.
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an exclamation to inspire everone
Lily Allen's Dad, I believe.
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yes Keith Allen, Paul Kaye (aka Dennis Pennis) and a veritable cornucopia of comedy performers
Keith Allen (+ 2 of his drinking buddies) released it in (1998??) when the official World Cup song had been recorded by some crappy girl band.

Vindaloo was a massive success - the official song was a total failure.

At the following World Cup, Keith Allen was going to release another "Fat Les" song, but ... Lily Allen was just launching her pop career. Keith didn't want to risk upstaging his daughter, so ... there was no follow up to Vindaloo.

(guess who's just read Lily Allen's biography!)

(err ... me.)

If Lily Allen gives up her pop career, there might be more "Fat Les" songs in the future.

I think Vindaloo is the best football song EVER !

It's the only one that gets a whole pub full of people, girls included, up and singing.
i agree with jj vindaloo is the ultimate footie anthem
We're gonna score one more than you ... ENGLAND !!

Naaa Na Naaaaaaa

Naaa Na Naaaaaaa ...

(it's just SO much better than that soppy "3 Lions" thing)
And I love it when Keith Allen says ... " BUCK IT !"
is that Lily Allen staggering about at the back? - which one is her dad, the one in black or the one in the shirt?
fat les should enter the eurovision now theres a thought !!!

That would be jolly.

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Keith Allen is the scruffy one in the shirt doing the main singing
... and he is the Sherrif Of Nottingham.
its still brilliant !!!
who's the bloke in the black then?
Whilst i love that one, this, for me, is the best one (yes I know its not an official world cup song)
It's not such a good singalong song as "Vindaloo"
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the bloke in the back is Paul Kaye (his creation was the best anti-celeb device)

the whole video is a take on Bittersweet Symphony The Verve
Vindaloo is brilliant - now youve got that in my head i'll be singing it all day lol
thanks JJ - out of my era, obviously! "I know nathing...."

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