my dog was attacked in the park by an alsatian , not on the lead, whose owner abused me and threatened me. I didn't complain to the police as the dogs owner can often be seen in the park, usually drunk and earlier complaints by other people haven't resulted in that man being kept from the park. ....The police is never seen in the park in the morning and like other dog owners I shall now exercise my dog somewhere else.
I have heard a few times that unemployed ( or unemployable ) people do receive an allowance for their dogs. If this is so, it is a scandal. ..Is it true ?
the dog's owner lives in my neck of the woods, alas and I don't want to run the risk of being hassled by him or his friends....unfortunately ther police isn't keen on tackling those people ( and it is a policeman who told me so !) bednobs, walking dogs is no longer the pleasure it used to be.....
try walking your dog in another park, different area where you wont come across this nasty individual, I have never head of dog allowance for the unemployed though, dont they get enough already ?