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Philisophical question

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jonnyg777 | 21:48 Sun 05th Dec 2010 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
There is a man lying asleep on a bed in a room. There are no windows and only one door, which is locked.........Does he have a choice 2 leave????


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I think you will find that this question only has any philosophical relevance when the person asleep wakes up. - I think this was John Lockes proposition?. His observation was that the person elected to stay in the room of their own free will, whereas in reality they would have been unable to leave - so ignorance can lead to the illusion of free will - or words to that effect.
Too deep for me.
The fact that the room is locked isn't necessarily relevant is it? He might have a key.
Surely the relevant part of the question is that the man is asleep - otherwise why mention it? In that case the man doesn't have a choice in leaving the room as he's not aware he's there.
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But did he have a choice??
That's what I meant, Andyvon, but you explained it better.
It seems to be the lack of windows and the state of the door are not relevant.
Ahhhh....that's a point Jonny! Is the man asleep because he couldn't leave the room?

In that case Factor 30 might be right and it all depends whether he has a key. If he has then it's his choice to stay and snooze, otherwise he had no choice.
..or he's a reverse Santa, he'll go up the chimney
What if the house is derelict and there's no roof? He could leave then without bothering about the door!
Is the room locked from the inside.
No he doesn't have a choice, as he has no way of escaping.
He is probably the owner and locked the door while he sleeps. If he has locked the door, he has the key. Yes, he does have a choice to leave.
Is he serving time in a prison cell?
...or in a coffin?
But I don't think it's a riddle.
Consciousness would be needed to be able to make a choice. While he's asleep he clearly has no choice.

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