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3 sections?

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joko | 18:58 Sun 02nd Oct 2005 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers

I have a question about online literary courses.

why can't i post it in 'arts and literature', 'internet and tech' and 'jobs and careers', as it relates equally to all 3 catagories??



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go ahead... but you might make a note in your Q that you have done so - so that people don't get annoyed at seeing a question they've come across elsewhere.
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i tried and 2 were banned...
oh... well, try wording them differently. I guess the robots detect identically worded posts.
because it is hogging the board and pushing other people's questions off....also its really annoying to post an answer and then find that someone has posted it elsewhere. If you say that you have duplicated, then personally, I won't bother to check but will just not post on any of them!
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Woofgang - Get a grip! Its a Q&A site!

You really should get out more if this really annoys you. If you don't like a post...ignore it...simple. 

I want the best answers I can get - don't we all?

Not everyone checks all the other catagories - I certainly don't - so you don't know who is seeing your post and who might be best suited to answer.

And as for pushing other peoples questions off!! I don't think so.

And given your attitiude I would prefer you not to answer my questions, you would undoubtedly be wasting my time.

multiple posting does push other Qs down the list, but in most categories this isn't a major problem as there isn't a huge volume of posts. My view is that because the sections have fuzzy boundaries, there is a case for it - and often, different users will hang out in different sections, so you'll get a different brand of expertise in A&L from I&T. But you do run a risk of getting no answers at all, three times.
joko, you asked  a question and I gave you an answer. evidently it wasn't the one you wanted!

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