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4getmenot | 21:34 Wed 13th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
my man is doing his workmate a favour and letting him stay at ours tonight and tomorrow. Usually after my bloke goes to bed i stay up a little later doing what i want but ive had to come to bed early while he stays up watching my big tv :-(


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I hate it when my evening routine is disrupted cos we have visitors, We live in a very small house and have to go to bed early to accomodate other ppls sleeping routine. I am much the same as you forget, I tend to potter about on my own and it's just my time.
I'm the same 4get if my daughter comes with her OH and granddaughter I have to go to bed and turn out the light too. I usually sleep alone and read in bed, but the OH doubles up with me when they stay over. He hates to be disturbed if I go to bed later and I can't read my book either.
Going to bed and being unable to read is the ultimate torture!
I find it hard to sleep if I turn out the light straight away.
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hap set up the bed but think he slept downstairs
This is going to sound weird but I have trouble sleeping when Mr Tiggs comes to stay. I'm so use to living and sleeping on my own and he disturbs me with his loud snoring.
How adorable to be disturbed by a loved one.... I've slept on my own for over 4 years and it can be very lonely... *sad face*
I've bought one of those little music stand lamps that I can clip onto my book so OH can go to sleep but I can read without disturbing him :)

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