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For those having a weep over long lost family

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Mick-Talbot | 22:33 Thu 21st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I was watching the other side , Channel 5

and pissed myself laughing at this.......go to 1:36 for the 'action' hope it cheers you up.


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You haven't posted a link!
Its killing me ... how many flippin stars did she get?
I couldn't watch it, it was too embarrassing.
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don't laugh too loud Silky, I think it's redhelen.
I thought she was very entertaining Mick..... she can certainly move faster than me!!! ;-)
i love her enthusiasm.
I don't know who was more embarrassed, me or the judges. Great laugh!
I've seen that before, I admired her energy (and the fact that she was wearing a good bra...)
So how many stars did she get?

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For those having a weep over long lost family

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