Here's the scenario - a girlfriend (G1) invites another girfriend(G2) out for the day - there is a (male) business aquaintance well known to both plus a (male) neighbour who asks to come along to the event.
The G2 and the male neighbour instantly hit it off with mutual interests and have a very intellectual day - everything is very easy between them. The party drops the business aquaintance off then go on to have drinks with the wife of the neighbour - all is very relaxed and pleasant. Certain objects of mutual interest are spoken about and G2 offers to reasearch an item and to lend the male neighbour a particular book. This book was passed on by G1. Three weeks later the (M) neighbout pitches up at the G2 house saying 'I was in the area, thought I'd call in'. (NB must have asked (G1) for the address) - he hasn't bought the book to return btw. The meeting (apparently) was very relaxed and quite intellectually stimulating. Upon leaving. the male neighbour suggested it was better that G1 didn't know he'd been there.
And no, it's not me - I gave my opinion and to me it's pretty obvious but wondered if anyone had other ideas or comments
maybe they only want to stimulate each others brains, and he is worried if word gets out it would cause complications ?
Any nice ladies out there with a copy of Bleak House I can borrow? ;-)
I'm suspicious my friend is maybe being taken for a ride - I merely wanted the opinion of other people. I realise it's her life but she is a bit fragile at the moment.