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Marathon Man

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Zammo | 10:29 Thu 20th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Not sure if you remember this but a week ago a guy called Rab Sloan came in 3rd place in a marathon but only because he hopped on a bus 20 miles into the run, in other words, he cheated!! He has now done the right thing and handed back his Bronze medal and it has now been passed on to its rightful owner. When was the last time you pulled the wool over someone’s eyes?


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Since i have been on AB claiming to be medically qualified....;-)
i knew it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sqad's really a Gigolo and a damn good one at that :-)
Everyone seems to believe me when I tell them I played baby Jesus in Ben-Hur.

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Marathon Man

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