If I am living with friends and unable to afford to pay them anything, am I eligible for any form of housing benefits. I am not working and don't claim JSA
Can't really say for sure, but when claiming, ALL details of income into that house are taken into consideration, so not only would you need that info from whoever else is there, chances are it would be above the need to claim. In any case, I think the property needs to be in your name tenancy wise.
Thanks both flump1 and Postdog. i will make some inquiries about JSA and if there is anyway I can claim rent allowance. My friends may have to start charging me rent so I can claim something!!!
To obtain Housing benefit you will need a tenancy agreement.
The letting must be on a commercial basis.
It must not be a contrived letting.
Your landlord should not be a close relation, an ex-partner or a parent of your child if you live with the landlord.
The property is not one, which you used to own or rent.
You have limited capital.
There are other rules
You would only be able to claim under local housing allowance rules.
Actually tony you can be related but it needs to be disclosed, likewise you can re tenant a property that you used to be a tnenant of as long as you disclose it. Transparancy is the key to most dealings regarding LHA, and most things are possible but you must be honest.
well interestingly enough .i know of someone who lives on a friends sofa he is trying to claim housing benefit but the friends say they dont want the money he can keep it so if he can claim surely you should be able to.
first..claim jsa...if you have contribitued enough you qualify...housing benefit is payable if you have low income and not with mum and dad or immediate relative...you will need to be able to provide proof of rent/tenancy etc..