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Just heard my surname on telly

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sherrardk | 22:38 Fri 15th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Watching a programme I Sky + at New Year and actually heard my surname on telly - I am quite chuffed, don't hear the surname Sherrard outside of the family.


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Mark knows B00s name...isn't he clever!!!
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Ooohhh, spooky, your first name and half of your second one (cue creepy music)
I am actually slightly spooked...

coincidence.....right Mark????
You're a mod, BOO - they must have told you how to do it...
Do what???

Im more baffled by this thread now than I was by Tambo's thread!
the name sherrard is made up of descriptive nicknames, namely bright and fair, gerrard is made up of an occupational name 'spear' and a characteristic nickname , hard/brave or strong, so therefore not a misspelling or error over time.
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No one has asked how I heard it - apparently, the cartwheeling verger at the Royal Wedding was called Ben Sherrard.

Dotty - thanks for that, I will claim that description, if it had been something rubbish I would just say it was the name I got on getting married.
Boo, even i know your name. You put it on that facebook ab discussion thingy donkeys ago.
Marks not a member of FB...

He's trying to be a smart arse again!!
Well yeah, its just i don't remember Mark being on it, it was years ago (take it it's only me who's got a memory like a sieve and doesn't remember 5 minutes ago, never mind a coupla years?) and well it just seemed an odd thing to bring up on this post.

Bugger it, ive had too many beers, sorry Sherr- off to bed, nighty night!
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Night Boo, x
Doesn't mean he hasn't had a peek....
I'm the same share. I saw my surname appear in th credits of midsomer murders a while and spent ages on IMDB trying to find out how famous they were.

There's also a posh school in Oxford that has my surname as part of its name. I like to think it was named after my family, especially as that's where my dad and his parents grew up. (it isn't at all)
*Sher, not share
What is strange is how some very rare names are quite well known, like 'Blackadder' for example

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