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False Teeth

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robert551069 | 14:51 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Would you please refer to my post at14.22 today under Body and Soul,/Health and Fitness and let me know of your experience, please?
Thank you


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My nan lost her teeth once. She sneezed and off they went.
i had some for halloween once - the dracula ones
I personally have not had any experience with what you are asking about robert. The only thing I would mention is I used to be on Warfarin and am now on soluble aspirin to keep my blood thin, and the dentist would not remove any teeth in the past until I had stopped taking either for a few days.
If you are bleeding a lot after extraction are you by any chance on something that could be thinning your blood?
I had to take advise from my doctor first before stopping medication if only for a few days.
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Thank you Parkdale, for your helpful reply.
I am on blood pressure tablets to keep my blood thin. Perhaps that accounts for bleeding in the past. I have decided against dentures and will have to restrict myself to eating food that does not require chewing.

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False Teeth

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