I'm a 18 year old boy. I'm 5'2" and 110lbs. Bust/Chest 36, Waist 26 and Hips 40 inches. I'm same height as the girls and my big "ass" always hit door-frames and table-corners. People assume that I'm a girl and my name is not helping.
If this is for real...you need to get to the docs and see what your gender assignment is. I would certainly say it is unusual to have 40" hips for a man. You do not mention if you have to shave your face....
Your genetic traits are also important here. Many pacific and south African-heritage men are steatopygeous. This should be taken into consideration in your advice package.
I have a 40 inch 'ass' but do not collide with things. I'd suggest clumsiness is a phase of adolescence ie your brain isn't fully aware of your body shape because it has changed quickly.
Chin up, get an absorbing hobby, see your doctor, count your blessings.