Has anyone got this and can you tell me how easy it is to navigate? I am so used to xp for years that I found daughter's windows 7 so hard, and now OH is buying me a new laptop with windows 8 on it, I am dreading it
i loved win xp still my fav, o/s but now got with laptop with win7 no, intention of get 8 it's the same as win 7 but optimised for touch screen computers, so i was told by currys tech man,
just stick with it will all drop into place (one day)
I've found it to be pretty much the same as W7 apart from the ap screen, which I don't really use. I feel it is more suited for a touch screen laptop or a tablet, on a non touch screen laptop it seems a waste of time to me.
The apps screen has tiles for whatever programs you want to use regularly, just like you get on the home screens for a smartphone; included is one to take you to the desktop but you can get there in several ways e.g. just tap the Windows key. There is no start button in the desktop unlike previous version of Windows but the tiles in the apps screen effectively replace the start menu, and other things such as the control panel are readily accessible using the mouse.