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owdhamer | 08:41 Sun 13th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
We were watching a period drama the other night, all candles and blood letting,and started thinking of the advances we have made ,all the inventions down the years, which has helped us most. Electricity ?


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It's not an invention but I think the discovery of penicillin has to be a major advance.
09:01 Sun 13th Jan 2013
Here's a gas powered hair drier, gness;si=UkstdrQ1xvos9Yvv%2BYTKygYKlsU%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557

April Fool's Day in Paris back in the mid 80s.......the product manager, a lovely girl called Adèline, received a telefax from Camping Gaz's German offices.

"Major new market identified in German hairdressing sector. Estimated demand for product year 1, 100,000 units."

Hook, line and sinker. And they say the Germans don't have a sense of humour......well.
That'll dry it all right DT.
The centrefire cartridge.
Jet engine (and screw top wine bottles :-)
The Internet.
think I'll stick with Hc's suggestion DT. Although I do have a gas powered flame thrower I can use if the power goes off. x
Oh gawd, she's got a flame thrower.
she's flamed hair too, tony........

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