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French Tins Of Escargots Sell And Use By Date

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trt | 18:54 Wed 06th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I have 2 tins of escargots that my daughter brought back from Paris over a year ago. It looks OK but just making sure.

Not sure about the use by date, anybody any idea as this is what is on the top of the tin?

BUR 5DZ N 172 19: 59 21/06/2010
DLUO 21/06/15


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They say use by 21 June 2010. But they are in a tin, so they will be fine.
Correction! They were tinned on 21.06.2010. The use by is the 2015 date!
Packed at 7.59pm on 21 June 2010
Best before ('date limite d'utilisation optimale') 21 June 2015.

Even if they were well past the DLUO date, they'd be perfectly safe to eat. Tinned goods last almost indefinitely. (I damned well hope so, anyway. The can of stewed steak I consumed less than an hour ago had a 'Best before' date of 31 June 2010!)
date limite d'utilisation optimale (DLUO) which I make to be roughly "Best before"
I love snails, are they in their shells, or do you have empty shells that you put them into, oooh love it.
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Thanks folks. They are in their shells netibiza with garlic butter, Yum Yum.
oh trt, bung a tin over my way, there's a dear!!
Once there was a snail who was tired of being slow. He went out and bought a really fast sports car and had the dealer paint a big 'S' on each side of it.

Whenever someone saw him zooming past in his new car, they would say, "Hey, look at that S-car go!"
I'll bring a nice Paritua Grace NZ wine to go with has the intensity to counter the garlic!
Always confused that's funny.

I'll drink any wine DT but still love the garlic
In any case, canned goods have neither a "sell by" nor a "use by" date.
The date you see on all canned goods is merely a (recommended) "best before" date. Foreign goods may also have the production date which will be several years before the "best before".
People actually eat snails and yet they bridle at the thought of horsemeat in a burger.
I've no issue, sandy, except that it is trades description....
was the use of the word bridle a deliberate pun sandy?
I like horsemeat (Poltron) it is an expensive and luxurious meat over here! (spain)
it was. I'm sorry, I don't want to restart the punning epidemic we suffered a few days back. Just wasn't thinking .

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