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society | 11:23 Tue 19th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Do you think you have an overactive imagination?


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I don't know.
yes, walking to work along a foggy canal this morning was fraught,

i got jumped at by a werewolf and his master as they loomed out the foggy mists.....

(ken and his dog sid)
Oh yes.......and I love it.x
I think I do.........but I could just be imagining it....
Indeed - it's wonderful, except when i am sleeping, it betrays me with technicolour nightmares whose fear factor is matched only by weird scenarios.
Well basing it on the fact that I think youR cat avatar is the sexiest thing on AB .......probably.
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My imagination tends to run away sometimes.
I have, unfortunately it only seems to work when something is worrying me!
I realise I do by the weird dreams I have. In a morning I just can't understand how I could have made all that up myself!!!
I like to keep things in perspective but where do you get a container big enough to hold a lioness and her three cubs after they have had a shower .
Yes, really over active.
Hmm, wonder what you are getting at society! Is something awful going to happen? Have I won a prize?

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