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Pete Burns' Hair

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sunflower68 | 07:48 Tue 17th Jan 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
How on earth does he do it? He has obviously brought dye kits into the house (firstly the red/brown one) but now he is blonde again with very professional black streaks. Or am I being dumb and are they wigs.


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Of course they're wigs. Like the rest of him, his hair's false. Sorry, that sounds like I've got something against him - I haven't, I actually admire him for his individuality and courage to be himself. I just find him very annoying at times. He seems to go out of his way to be nasty to people at every opportunity, presumably thinking it makes him look cool and uncaring in a casual sort of way. Actually, it just makes him look nasty.
yes it is a wig, on last nights show he pulled at the fringe and the whole lot moved, what a great person he is, very very intelligent and unique, i hope he wins cbb
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I agree. I love that Scouse dry wit. Pete and his wigs to win.
Does ayone else think he looks like one of those "Bratz" dolls?

Was killing myself laughing the other night when they had the box task "It looks like an Effing Yoko Ono exhibition in here". lol

I think he looks like Joyce Wildenstein (called Bride of Wildenstein) - the woman who has had so much surgery in USA . Look at this:.

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