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Not A Good Mathematician

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emmie | 11:48 Tue 09th Apr 2013 | How it Works
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can someone convert 50 sq feet into length by width.
it doesn't sound a lot, but have a reason for asking..


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It could anything between 1 inch by 600 feet to 7.07 feet by 7.07 feet.
10' by 5'
But I don't think that is what you mean.
It can be a variety of sizes, any 2 numbers that multiplied make 50. If we are talking whole feet only then;
50' by 1'
25' by 2'
10' by 5'
Or 12'6" by 4' , 6'3" by 8' etc etc
Question Author
according to a website just looked at, if you have a room that is 50sq feet its
exempt from the bedroom tax. Told you i wasn't good at this, i can add up all right, and check my bill from the supermarket, but maths isn't my strong point.
Measure the length and width of your room in feet. Multiply them together.
Em that is an urban myth - if your tenancy calls it a bedroom then it is.
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mamy, sorry but that was from the councils housing website.
A square room 7 by 7 is just under (i.e. 49 sq feet).

But, as already stated, it has no bearing on bedroom tax.
• The rules do not refer to the size of bedrooms. A bedroom will always count as a bedroom for Housing Benefit no matter how small.
Question Author
one assumes they don't want to mislead people. thanks for the info.
Could you link to that site Em, as this theory has been denounced many times.
Meant to add this as well

Bedroom tax will not affect all Housing Benefit claimants. The Government states that if you or your partner were born before 5 October 1951 (the qualifying age for pension credit in April 2013) you will not be affected.
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i am aware of the ruling baldric. Also no i can't link to it. sorry but this doesn't apply at any rate. the room is a few feet bigger, not much by the way.
Just seems odd that a Council Website is saying that it is true.....but never mind.
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sorry i can't elaborate more. But it doesn't apply, the rooms a few feet bigger, so that's it. I feel like throwing in the towel quite honestly.
It is very dispiriting Em, I know.
One needs to know thee shape of a room, assuming a rectangle the ratio between the length and width, to give an answer.

If the room is square then the square root of 50 square feet is 7.071 feet along a side. Call it 7' x 7'.
Ah I see you already have that answer. Apologies.
Question Author
its a small room, just a big bigger than the size i quoted. Never mind eh..
what is the bedroom tax, never heard of it?

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