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netibiza | 17:46 Wed 15th May 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I've asked in Tech but the q only appears occasionally on my pc. Have had to reset sony vaio back to Factory setting and now I have forgotten how to put shortcut icons onto the desktop, like AB and Facebook etc. Driving me bonkers.


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I've managed to do AB but how on earth do I do FB or other thinbgs, when it will not let me pin to start, and no prog icon in the taskbar.
I tend to add them to my favourites rather than create shortcuts. But if you prefer shortcuts, the copy the url, go to the desktop, right click, choose create shortcut and copy into the box.
Question Author
Thank you Maydup, that's FB done, now 100 more to go! I don't understand Favourites, what are they are where are they?
Favorites or Bookmarks are a way of saving websites within your internet browser settings. Much quicker than your method.

Take a look at your 'Menu' toolbar, you will find them there.

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