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Premium Bonds

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Ric.ror | 07:04 Wed 03rd Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
£100 for me this month
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have you received or are you just hoping ? I thought the notifications came mid month ? put me down for a win please.
I've had premium bonds since I was a child. I won £25 ..... once.
I Wish!
Well done!
Nothing for me in 52 years, but ever hopeful.
Only £50 this month.
Nothing for me in ~52 years, but ever hopeful.
Nothing for me in 54 years. Mind you, I've only ever held the £1 bond I was given when I was born
We don't have them anymore after hearing advice from Martin Lewis. He says you stand the most chance of getting anything within the first few years (which we did) after that you have more chance of winning the lottery.
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If you use the app you can get the results now
Don't despair someone with £95 since 1962 won £5000 this month
If your in greater manchester it could be you
>"He says you stand the most chance of getting anything within the first few years (which we did) after that you have more chance of winning the lottery."

Have you got a link for that? Martin Lewis usually talks a lot of sense but there's no logic in that statement that I can see. Very bond in the draw has a n equal chance of winning. Yes, the majority of wins come from bonds bought in the last 5 years but that's because so many bonds have been bought in the last 5 years
what day do the actually do the draw and what day does the cheque come, its such a long time since I won that I cannot remember, altogether over 25 years I have won 4 X £25. I am also one of the "ever hopefuls".
The draw is the first working day of the month and you can check on line to see if you've won on the third working day.

Cheques seem to arrive from about the 10th onwards.
Can't give you a link Factor because i heard him say it on the radio.
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Martin Lewis does usually talk a lot of sense but in this case I think he is talking tosh
Its a bit like saying don't play the lottery after a few years as you have no chance
Ok I found this which is basically what he said
"The great sell is 'the lottery effect', the chance of winning a dream, and £1 million. Equally you could be the next space-walking astronaut, and your odds probably aren't that dissimilar! Your chance of winning the jackpot per £1 spent on the National Lottery is one in 14 million, far-outstripping the one in 44 BILLION chance of becoming a millionaire through a Premium Bond"

A quote from here

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Premium Bonds

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