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White Fluffy Things....

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EcclesCake | 13:57 Wed 10th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers the sky!

It's just not on I tell you, not on at all!


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Flying sheep?
eat them, they're marshmallows
Contrails? doves? seagulls?
Earmuffs, launched from a distance?

We had a lovely blue sky start to the day, but
it's all white now!
That's all white then!
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More like Cumulonimbus and Altocumulus.

Fluffy sheep on ly appear in the sky once I've a glass of vino......
More like Grey Wethers here - and chilly too :(
white bearded goats!?

That is so British. Get a few hot days then everyone feels the cold :-)
Could you imagine how bad the rain or and snow would be if they really were sheep..?
Thank goodness it's a bit cooler today, but why is my usually green front lawn brown?
Did someone paint it?
Good thinking ummmm, it was definitely green a couple of days ago.
Had some rain here overnight; off for now but quite a dull day. Very close and muggy though.
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That is not a pleasant thought 2sp.....

I have a respect for cattle and pigs, but sheep are stupid ugly animals and I really don't like them. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Shepherd who lived next door to my semi banging on my bedroom wall to get me up for lambing at sparrow fart o'clock...didn't make a jot of difference.......

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White Fluffy Things....

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