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maggiebee | 15:55 Thu 25th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Just finished an ironing. Off tomorrow to Yarnfield (Stafford) for Council of Samaritans - home on Sunday. Never look forward to these things then end up really enjoying myself. Thanks to everyone for your support today.


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Enjoy tomorrow, often do we not look forward to something and then enjoy it enormously....x
What does ironing mean, maggie? I don't believe that word exists in my vocabulary!

Enjoy tomorrow and the w/end....need any restaurants, though stokey and mrs mav would be the best for references...
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Thanks for the thought DTC but afraid it's a weekend of work. We won't get out of Yarnfield til Sunday afternoon. Thankfully the catering is A1* which won't do the waistline any good lol

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