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Happy Pride Day

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joggerjayne | 08:09 Sat 03rd Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Today we celebrate diversity, liberation, and tolerance ...

... and have a stormingly good time.

And get trolleyed together.


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Be careful...and good...!!
Enjoy your day, jj. Hangover tomorrow?
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Not sure, Tilly.

Going to an all nighter tonight at a club in the town.
Have a good Pride Jayne :) Nothing like a load of fabulous people getting trolleyed, hope the weather holds for you xxx
Pride day in sunny Brighton sounds like fun. Enjoy yourself. :-)
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Enjoy the day.
Gay pride I assume.
I thought it was the rallying cry used during the French Revolution:)
Enjoy and have a good rest tomorrow
Have an excellent time.. but don't expect too many good wishes on here (if recent threads are anything to go by...).
Yes it's all happening here today. A pre-Pride party going on in the garden of the flat below me at the moment. Just said to a couple of gay friends are you off to Pride later and got a horrified look and a, "Not bl00dy likely, there's nothing worse than a load of gays together". Ooops!
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You heard it ^^^^^ here first!
Don't need one.
Are the French revolting?
Shoota, only as far back as 1789.
"Are the French revolting? "

Yes, usually
I'll be celebrating with pride today. Proud I'm female, white, single and heterosexual. Whatever or wherever you are today, be proud.
can anyone say they've been revolting ever since?

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Happy Pride Day

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