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Desktop Background ...

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sandyRoe | 07:48 Fri 30th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
One of the available images we can use as a desktop background is that of a fish limned in the Japanese style. Is this a famous picture?


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No art experts in yet?
if this is one offered by Microsoft, probably not, they wouldn't be using anything for which royalties would be charged by a museum.

You can use anything you like as a background, one of your own photos for instance.
which fishy ?
Question Author
It's not a fishy in a little dishy. Looks like a koi Carp.
Oops, when I saw your title I thought our friend was back again!
can you take a screen shot and post it on somewhere like ?
we could run a desktop write alike contest....
black poo again - I crap.

is my first attempt.....
Bit of haiku there,peter? ;-)
Question Author
You're welcome sandy.

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Desktop Background ...

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