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The Weekend Upon Us

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Ric.ror | 06:48 Fri 18th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I intend to start early by leaving work early today
Then is full steam ahead into the weekend
I am not obliged to take the precious babe to baby ballet as her mummy is not working but I may go along to take some photos - then a weed end to call my own probably in the garden
I hope you all have a great time whatever you get to do


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I thought about that
I am currently knee high in child licences at work but that's another story (minefield)
I intend to delete ones with other peoples precious babes on and inform each of the parents before I take any.
Should anyone raise any objections I won't be able to - but as some new babes came last week and took some I don't think there will be
Much live you i plan to spend some tome in the garden, weather permitting but i also need to look for a new car. Grrr i've looked online and done loads of research but i still can't decide what to get. i loathe wandering a round car showrooms so lets hope something "speaks" to me!

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