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Oh So Satisfying

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mrs_overall | 12:34 Thu 24th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I have one of those tennis racquet fly swatters which zaps the blighters with an electric current.
I have just sizzled to death a fat, juicy blue- bottle, a fly I particularly hate.
It was sooooo enjoyable!


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H.Secombe Esq. (dec) and erm....
Spike Milligan?
My late mother always used sticky fly paper around the house......they were disgusting. When she couldn't get fly paper then hair lacquer brought the varmints down.
Being a mere babe, I would have to Google the answer Stewie.

Actually, I think I will google it as I have never understood the Goons comments regarding my username!
Or was it Sellers and Secombe or Milligan?
Shoota is half correct.
Eccles: Spike Milligan; Blue Bottle: Peter Sellers.
Cattle prod not working then?....Nice to see you....☺
blue bottles are quite intelligent, they will actively search for a way out once they are indoors, once I open a window they will fly out.

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Oh So Satisfying

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