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maggiebee | 01:13 Sun 03rd Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Was at the Dundee Rep tonight to see the Scottish comedian Craig Hill. Totally outrageous and my sides are sore with laughing. TV fine but you can't beat live entertainment.


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Glad you enjoyed, Maggie.....I watched the National Theatre anniversary..
...made me want to book every show...x
I agree Maggie - nothing beats live theatre.

I went to an NT Live relay of 'Frankenstein' this afternoon - absolutely spell-binding, you could have heard a pin drop

(except when a mobile went off - I thought the girl was going to get lynched)
I saw that one, Dave....amazing performances.....can't wait for Warhorse..
...which will be my third time and I will still cry......
One of my friends has seen Craig Hill's show - she loved him too told me what a great show I'd missed. Haven't been to the theatre in ages, think the last time was Mack and Mabel with David Soul in Edinburgh. Will you come down to Edinburgh to see "Wicked" next year?
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Hi Nungate, yes, often come to Edinburgh to see live shows. Throw in a bit of retail therapy and a nice meal and I'm a happy bunny.
going to theatre on Wednesday to see carnaby street the musical
I must say, I love the theatre but if i were to go it would be to see Michael McIntyre or the like, not too fond of Craif Hill, just don't get his wit, like Billy connolly, he doesn't make me laugh either
Queenie has been nipping at me to get tickets for Wicked when they come on sale later this month - It's almost a year until it opens at the Playhouse!
Though she did spot something on the side of a bus in Edinburgh the other day about something at the Festival Theatre but I've forgotten what it was..
might be on around Christmas, I suppose I'll have to check out their website. I love going to the theatre but I can only go when my husband is around to ferry me there - a disadvantage of living out in the sticks is that the buses stop just as the theatres are coming out or you have to leave before the end! I once took my mum to see Dave Allen in Edinburgh and we had to leave before the end to cat our last bus (and the bus station was at the opposite side of town to the theatre!) Planning to come down and see something soon? What's on?
Oh Ducksie, Queenofmean and I saw Michael McIntyre at the Playhouse in Edinburgh when he did the Comedy Roadshow, top of the bill was Rhod Gilbert but MM was bang on form a great night (and it was free we got the tickets from the BBC) Ed Byrne was also fantastic saw him the same year
See Warhorse if you can folks, on in Edinburgh in the New Year I think.
Nungate!!! now that's my kind of night, all people I love ...lucky you guys
As Maydup said...see NT live for performances at your cinema...x
It was a great night Ducksie! We also had great seats too, I swear you can see us on the tv show. The thing is the TV version was totally different to what went on in the theatre that night, Andi Osho was also on that bill that night but she didn't appear on that TV show, but she was in another one of the roadshows
I watched all of MM roadshows...loved them all...brilliant, love that bobbing head and those fingers
I love that clip because I have a french BiL did the same, he took f for female and mná for man spelled funny hahaha

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