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A Few Fairly Easy Maths Questions. How Many Will You Get Right?

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sandyRoe | 00:07 Wed 04th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
4 for me. :-)


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where :)
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I was so busy congratulating myself on how numerate I was I forgot the link. But it's there now :-)
numerate but forgetful LOL
I got 4 too:-))
Yes. They are similar to 10 year old homework.
4 for me; if I ever have to dilute any bleach, I'm sure to be a winner.
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'Similar to 10 year old homework.' That's knocked the wind right out of my sails. ;-)
Sorry! We were doing similar questions the other day x
Yup 4 !
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We can all have the spuds cooked in time to serve with the chicken.
On nice clean workshops ! Lol
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And the tablecloth will be spotless
Worktops... predictive thingy ...
I did better than all of you. I got 100%.
worn my fingers out counting, got all 4 right so no need for my thumb.
the cowboy in the black hat spat contemptuously as he leered at the newcomer. "We don't cotton on to strangers much here in Nottinghamshire."

Murraymints coolly returned his gaze from the back of her white stallion. "I'm the law here now... I got a message ordering me to clean up Worksop."
4 easy peasy.

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