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Hi Psybbo

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Tilly2 | 19:51 Mon 09th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Sorry not to answer you properly on the car problem thread. Didn't want to get in a muddle.

Yes, my guests have gone . It was a nice weekend and yes the garage has been burgled sometime over the weekend

..........................and now the flippin car's playing up................strewth!


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Yeah, strange that the dogs didn't bark.
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Next job is getting CCTV installed.
Not long after we got Max he woke us up one night going absolutely crazy, and wouldn't shut up.Trish eventually kicked me out of bed to see what was up so I had a look,and didn't see anything obvious,assumed it was a cat and went back to bed.Got up next morning to find some bastard had nicked all the planters form the front patio.
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Exactly, paddy. Why didn't the dogs bark?
Seems strange Tilly.Max eventually learned to ignore the cats at night,the neighbour we had then had 6-7, but if he did start he wouldn't stop until Trish or I had got up and had a look.Once we'd had a look he'd settle down again happy in the knowledge he'd done his job.
Passenger front left - in the pub car park, tony.....grrr.
Maybe a Chips away smart repair then, DT. not dented is it ?.
Nope - just caught me, swinging out of the park, me suggests.
If you wanted to you could get it fixed by one of those car paint smart repairers at home or at work, DT. Chips away or similar.
what do they charge, tony? Got a guy not too far away who does a good job....he likes to avoid HMRC
why didnt the dogs bark.... because they were fed ?
o the joys of car insurance claims.. 1 for x, 4 for y, spend 20 minutes listening to something even a cloth eared tone deaf person with their head in a bucket would recognise as shyte, occasionally interrupted by some guff aboutthankyouforwaiting - like I've got a bleeding choice - then another press 2 for x, presumably just to check you haven't died yet, and finally a human being. Woo hoo!!

Nope. Somebody who reads the entire FIS regulations to you, then the rest of the script, then does name, address, dob (for the fourth time of asking in the same phone call, inside the same organisation), is reasonably helpful, then gets a Team Leader for any question off parameters of said script - back on periodic hold for Sounds of the Satanists - and then you get referred back to the broker.

so it's press 1 for x...

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\have you experienced that then, sloopy? ;-)
tills, knowing they're also going to take it out of my skin in premiums for the next couple of years is not making me feel less murderous about any of this
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Oh, yes. You lost your car didn't you? I am sorry.
agree with you there, sloopy. Press 8 for the Samaritans and 9 for the Crematorium.
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Where has Psybbo gone? This is her thread.
multistorey truro - someone kindly scraped rear drivers side and bumper. lovely.

someone also put three little, but expensive, dents in OH's bmw. very lovely.

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