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Getting Rid Of Dog Mess

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Wispy68 | 10:01 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | Home & Garden
5 Answers

This morning, I discovered that some ignorant b*****d has let their dog c**p on my front garden and not cleared it up.

Is there anything I can put on it, which will somehow dissolve it? I really can't stomach picking it up with a shovel (if I knew who the culprit was and had a stonger stomach, I'd put it through their letter box)!!

Many thanks.



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I do sympathise as this often happens to mine, it is so annoying and downright ignorant. Unforntunatley it always happens when I am not there so I can't see who is doing it.

Not sure if theres anything to dissolve it as such, but you can get a product called Get Off which you can spray on your garden, they do gel crystals as well. This is supposed to stop dogs/cats wanting to come into your garden. I've tried it and it did make a difference.

You can also get Pepper Spray I think its called. I got mine from a local pet store, however I have just seen it in a local garden centre.

Just pour a bucket of water over it

With the current heavy rainfall, it will simply disolve into the soil, so you can just leave it, if the sight of it doesn't offend you too much.

Throw it at the dirty sod who let the dog do it there,if you know who it is put it through the letter box,see how they like it
just put a note on your fence saying you know who the offender is and next time they will get it back through their letter box minus the bag you picked it up in that worked for me

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