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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:45 Tue 07th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
Tuesday. An 'ooligan blowing all night, calmed down a little bit now I'm up. The advance guard of the rain is here. It's working out what time I'm going out I reckon. sigh

Have a happy day everyone.


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That's good then albs. Tell him we're thinking of him. :o}

Good photo's DT. I can see why the owner is concerned!
the "Hut" that has been on the end of the pier at Portreath for centuries - one minute it was there and the next it was gone, the harbour has also lost another shed inside (pic below) and the marker 'pepperpot' above the hole in the pic, used to guide boats into the harbour years ago, well that went yesterday too.
couldn't find the top link DT, but the bottom one is dramatic.

Photos in today's papers show idiots standing watching the waves. There's ways of admiring nature from a safe place and being daft.
Morning all, we seem to have escaped a lot of really bad weather here. Its been very windy of course, but nothing like others are having. Hope everyone is keeping well and strong throughout all this. Things can only get better ???
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It's certainly flexing it's muscles DT. Yet still you get idiots going into danger 'to have a look'.
I'm afraid at times I'm one of these idiots, just the urge to get close to the elements and photograph them... however 400mm lenses do help!!
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Morning TOH xxx Nice to see you. Lets hope it gets fed up with us and goes to annoy someone else shortly. ;o}
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That's a tad different slappy! :o}
Morning TOH xx
Hope all is well with you and yours.

Slappy, you're not an idiot x

Anyone see the piccy t'other day of a man with presumably his child on his shoulders looking over a wall and nearly got wrenched into the sea?
(again, it was Cornwall which was gettiing battered)
Nah... it's the same Boaty, i like getting up close, I was hacked off last night that I couldn't get out to photograph the lightning here because I was buy working!!! Too these the last big storm I was at home for....

The second I was the length of the bay away but getting soaked at the same time!
we had that one on here, albs - it was four people at Mullion, very close to Lady J....mother/father and two kids - and they had been warned about the dangers. Should be prosecuted for endangerment of children.
Anyway time to be moving for me....have a good day all.....
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I agree with that DT!

slappy you have a brain and you use it. You're aware of the dangers and I'm sure you don't take unnecessary chances.
I presume you mean us WBM. No thank you. Its so windy here, sometimes you cant even get near the seafront, it stops you in your tracks, so I dont know how those `idiots ` managed it. I love taking pics too, but you wouldnt get me getting too close for comfort
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Have a good'un DT. :o}

I must away too. A meeting at 9. :o}

Have a happy day everyone.
Take care DT xx

Must be making a move too, hope each has a nice Tuesday xxx
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TOH like me you live with it all year round, so you know you can't take liberties with the sea. It won't let you! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.
Hmmm... not sure about that.... we've just had a wee visitor into the office.

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