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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:32 Mon 24th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
212 Answers
Monday. Back on the treadmill for the workers. The weather gurus got it right this time, heavy frost this morning. The sky is clear so it shout go when Ol' Sol gets up over the hill.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Trees are the curtains here, old Georgian wood shutters the curtains downstairs, when used.
morning all, I have had a lovely weekend with my pal Rita staying with me, she goes home today. So have a good day everyone, sun shining here.
Slappy, he did tell me she was well-groomed

Morning Dee xx
Glad you've had a lovely weekend.
Have you finished the computer classes?
Morning dee xx
Time to wriggle with the pooch

Hope each has a lovely Monday xxx
Time to run round the shower....I will be keeping my pjs on in case anyone is peeking ! See you later xxx
minty you are. how else did you know?
yup time for me to go as well. bye minty. bye alba. hope you have most enjoyable day. bye slappy enjoy your last shift. see you soon.

bye all. xx
If you lot are offski, i'll say bye and speak to you from home soon xx
Bye All, have a lovely day xx
Bye all - minty in wet pyjamas - what an image for a Monday morning....

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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