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Iss Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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wendilla | 18:43 Sat 12th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
1st sighting. 9. 49 pm for 4 mins. W departing ESE

2nd sighting. 11 26 pm 1 min. W departing W


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Clear sky here in Belfast so a good chance of seeing it.
A fair while back you posted the times and I asked my sister to come out into the garden to see 'a space ship'. She did eventually and asked when she saw it, 'How did you know?' :-)

good evening wendilla, thank you

looking good here in cambridgeshire at the moment, and i have messaged my god-daughter with the information
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Lol and what did you say to that .
:-) I eventually told her it wasn't really a space ship, though I suppose it is.

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Iss Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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