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Happy Birthday Sherrardk

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Ann | 00:14 Sat 12th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Have a lovely day Sher x


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Put your feet up and enjoy! Happy birthday! X
hope you have a great birthday
Happy birthday Sherrardk, enjoy yourself.

Happy B'day,
Have a great Day!
Happy Birthday, Sher! xxxx
Happy Birthday ☺☺☺
Happy birthday Sherr, hope you have a great day x
Birthday wishes for a great day
hope you have a lovely day.
Thank you everyone! Himself didn't remember (he never does, I'd be gobsmacked if he did). Boy #1 was hopping about trying to tell himself when I wasn't around. Himself only realised when the post the came. Quite funny watching him pretend he had a plan all the time but he admitted he had completely forgotten. Got some nice presents and been for a curry for a treat.

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