my partners laptop has stopped loading up. When he switches it on the orange wi fi light and power light is on but the screen is completely black. the fan is running but nothing else! is this fixable ? TIA
Probably, but it depends on what is wrong with it.
Can you tell if it is just a dead screen ? Do you hear the drive spin ? Can you boot from a bootable CD or DVD ? Can you get into Safe Mode ?
Ratter the screen is black what else can i say???? as i previously said the lights are lit and the fan is running nothing else to add.
OG cant get into safe mode or boot from a disc. the drive spins but not for long
Unfamiliar with it, but if this control hc refers to doesn't sort it, it sounds like a workshop job to me. If it is something simple then the cost couldn't be too much, and if it's a bigger job at least you'd know where you were. At this point I think I'd still suspect a duff screen display connection.