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tony.....because conditions of service in GP were worse in the North......and it was difficult to get doctors who wanted to work in these conditions.
You were looked upon as being "who pays the piper calls the tune" sort of mentality ( still applies on AB occasionally) and one had the feeling that one was there just for dishing out tablets and sick notes.
In GP practices in the south, there was a more affluent society and you got the impression that your services were valued. Times haven't changed.........northern practices tend to be run by immigrant doctors and southern practices by do I say this......white doctors.

i worked day and night in GP to save enough money to keep the family and get back into surgery which I always wanted to do.

I had to go onto the bottom rung, have poor pay for 10 years, be kicked about by one's bosses, but it was like a breath of fresh air.......doing a job that you wanted, one that was appreciated and to wake up every day eager to get to work.
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I get the picture, sqad (GP's) supply and demand. I can understand why you wanted to get back into surgery, even if it meant starting at the bottom.

any chance of a note, I fancy a week off.
Ive been watching that series ' Behind Closed Doors ', and the things people come out with is incredible.

I think the bloke who is always asking about his poo, it hits my cheeks when it splatters etc, how weird.
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it hits my cheeks when it splatters etc, how weird.

I do hope he doesn't mean the ones on his face, trt !.
it would be interesting to know when sqad actually worked as a gp,? some things may have changed ?

\\\\some things may have changed ?\\\

I should hope so after 60 years.......but not for the better it would seem.
1963-1974.........occasional night and weekend GP cover.
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