♫♫happy birthday to you happy birthday to you haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthdaaaaaaaay dear hau haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappyy biiiiiiiiirthday tooooooooooooooooo...
bitter, hating ABers on this site mine are like this 1. Monkeyeyes 2. 123everton 3. Lungy (which could either be monkeyeyes or 4G's to stir trouble) 4. Doc.Spok 5. 4getmenot Come on dont hold back....
the way the site is much much better for the removal of noknowledge, i have just read through some of the threads, Most pleasent, well done keep it up.
I read an article where a guyt said someone had rubbed a very strong vindaloo curry over his knacker bag . now the guiy said it stung for a few houirs.but acted like viagra , keeping him at attention...
I read somewhere that if you consider that in quantum mechanics quantum mechanics, there is wave-particle duality so the properties of the particle can be described as a wave. Therefore, its quantum...
I have noticed that AB appears to have a number of gangs. Would you admit to being in one of these gangs? I say this because on a number of occasions i have seen certain users get into a argument over...
Before anyone says why carry it on and make up a new post, I am putting this here to stop fingernail putting any more posts on other people, he has ruined a lot this morning by following 4GS about. He...
Check your bellly button. Does it contain any flufffy bits ? And what colour are they ? Btw has anyone ever licked the flufff outta your belly buttton before ? oh yes I AM THE MESSSSSSSIAH : 0)
On sky news . Its safe again . No neeed to hide indoors . The police say the coaasts clear . And you can now walk the streets of southport again safely. DDI THIS HELP ??'
Where I grew up, we sang a rhyme which began 'Kermit the Frog got stuck down the bog while messin' around with Miss Piggy'. Can anyone shed any light on this or am I going mental? I do not know...
Hi lovelies , just got a little time in my busy holiday fun to come on and say hello to you and ask how you are, hope you are well . I am having a great time here with my dear sister and family ....
Is it allowed to make a normal friendly post on here? such as What you all doing at the weekend? :D Im going for wallpaper and then helping decorate...roll on monday lol :)
I was walking down the office twiddling a pen in my fingers. However I dropped the pen and had to pick it back up agaqin. just thought you should all know