Just out of interest, which sections of the Answer Bank do you visit most often? for example, I always go to body and soul, and sometimes music/food and drink/home and garden. Are there any sections...
can I please have your verdicts on these boots: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&ite m=3938152148&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT I really want them but my bf dislikes them so much he has...
Where do all you ABers come from -don't need house adresses or any thing just a town or city? Its just that im really nosy and like to gather a picture in my head of all you lot? Im not a...
i was watching t3 at the weekend and it says on its timeline that: arnie is t-101 series 800 in terminator 1 arnie is t-101 series 800 in terminator 2 arnie is t-101 series 850 in terminator 3 but...
Help! I have to get a farewell present for a couple of good friends in their 30s who are moving away from the area they've lived in for about 15 years. Any ideas?