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A M I L E N G V H A feature of Lincolnshire?
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It went to Blumenthals head - five letters ending with E Any help please Thank you in advance
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Last One! 46d Kitchen gadget used to chop food or a municipality in Germany. 7 Letters: B_E_D_R Thanks for your help, it looks like Blender but never heard it as a German word. Katherine
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Please help - stuck on last two: 7D Large Central American feline (6) -A-U-R 31A Edible flesh of bovine animals (4) B-E- I've got Boer War for 31 down. Thanks JB
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18d clandestine way 2/3/2 22a ? latin 27a shrewd a///t/
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Down to the last two....brain not working! 2d. Serious Swelling - it is surrounded by blood (6) ..I have ?O?T?E 21a. Try light meals, one hears (5) I have ?E?S? Thanks in advance
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former french gold or silver coin 3 letters -c-
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My last two which should be easy! 16a A type of ballroom dance to fast ragtime music, popular during the early 20th century (6,4) T?R?E?/T?O? AND 51A A sudden violent rainfall lasting minutes but...
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which celebrity turns 72 on the 7th july
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28d board members initially certain about each action to avert danger (14) I have ?O?N???M?e?u?E Completely stuck on this, must have something wrong I think. Thanks for any help
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29 across 5 letters A Hebrew prophet of the 8th century BC
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D.T.Gen. Kno. 50d. What is name of official list of medecines?
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for example: felines & canines = cats and dogs. Stuck on this one, can anyone help please? Sounds like a flower and a furrier. Any help would be appreciated.
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34D. Japanese dish containing white noodles. R - - - N Many thanks.
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Querying a few answers from todys puzzle- 20d- He observed,or said it's a cockney greeting (7) Watcher or Wotcher ? 22ac- Again in the afternoon (5) - Three I think - RE in THE but couldn't three be...
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11a Surely not fair to turn and run (5) N*V** 30a Complete nit disrupted function (6) *N***T Thank you.
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the abillity to reason and act especially quickly w??s
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i think ive messsed up somewehre, weve got 16 down leftover pieces fo fabric the letters i think ive got are R???a??? then 24 across pampered as one on a cruise liner is ?o?s???d and finally 19across...
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company that owns and operate more than one cruise ship

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