Last night I was reading a Sunday Times article about the 'human brain having reached its limits, leaving the biggest mysteries unsolved' by our 'top scientist' Lord Rees. As I don't know how to do...
what is the best treatment for this? my mother in law just had an xray after a huge lump developed on the top of her foot.she was told it was an arthritic joint. is walking good or a hinderance? she...
That's just a taste of some of the adjectives used to describe Muslims on this site, and, in truth often in the world at large. Barbaric, backward, medieval are amongst the others, is this fair?...
This topic was discussed today on the telly, i was shocked to hear that girls are now starting puberty at 8 and 9 years old,when it used to be around 14,they are asking what has caused this to...
Im trying to cool my cpu, would Freezing Heatsink Compound in a tube, then applying it to the CPU Help? Knowing in theore; the compound would stay at a ambient tempeture once it wasn't frozen any...
Hello, Cut myself this morning, stupid me, and got blood on my shirt - which is a mint green colour. I put in cold water with salt and the washed on a cold wash - but its still there. Any ideas?...
I've just done a load of washing. It contained nothing remotely red or pink, yet three items (two cotton, one nylon) that were previously white now have a pinkish tinge. The only item I hadn't washed...
please can anyone help me im not just in a state of shock i feel totally numb and betrayed after finding child porn images on my partners phone? what do i do? does this mean he's a peadophile
Keyplus of course. You seem to have been absent of late though you seem to posting tonight so a few questions for you (if you dont mind). Supposing that you live in a perfect muslim theocracy how...
Hi. A " discussion"started between two friends of mine about homosexuality.One said that the gene is in there when you are born and comes out in later years. My other friend who is a retired...
Completely hypothetical... If it were 'proved' that God did not exist, would you feel that your life had no meaning? (I don't want to get into a debate about what evidence would be necessary to...