all birds with a colour in the name. 1 Oops! Ken goofed it 2 Table crisis resolved 3 Aka hedge sparrow 4 Sings a little bit of bread and no cheese 5 Finally, cut extra now when they do grow tall
I am still in shock! I thought the Tudors was bad enough, but this! I know it is not recorded history, but Merlin, Arthur, Morgan Le Fey all the same age!
1d scottish battle site stops short of stream - loaf there b - n - o - k 12a tube plunged suddenly, I hear, (I thought of butt but somebody else has put a different answer) - u - t 23d manoeuvre to...
The Clue is 'Thick Beer' which, if my dynamics and grand tour are correct give ; *C*U* as the letters for the answer but, It wont come to me! ANy help please. B.
Still stuck on a few answers:- 27 Type of Government in 18th Century (11) 33 Lair for Apus Apus (9) 83 Made OCA shuffle ( 4-2-8) 84 Shot, Discus, Hammer,Javelin are all examples (6) 93 Not very brave...
1.The monarch uses it when thirsty? 2. The archbishop will hear them? 3.Members of Nobility? 4.An untidy bird? 5. Wake up call 6. Make yourself safe and do your sewing?
Prince, that is, to join old sailor 6,6 No Christian in one violinist 8 Thus I get Leon around to join obsessive detective for jazz 9,4 Take the prickles with the crickets, pal 5,5
1d Margaret , unsuccessful Labour canditate in Glasgow East. (6) (C?r?a?) 17d Scots jazz dynasty that includes Ronnnie,Cathie,and Gina.(3) (r?e) 26d Bishop Devine of Glasgow.(6) (?o?e?h)
I am just listening to music while on Answerbank. The track playing is Swan of Tunnels by Sibelius,which always strikes me as a weird title. Is Tunnels a place? What does it mean?
can anyone help 11. family has internet provider installed 6 letters. 15. nothing ensues after hope crumbles 7 letters. 22 cheats game? 7 letters. 26 swindles syandard allowance 13 letters. thank you
The Times Jumbo (775) of 6 September has for 34 down: 'Socialite might suggest mash for Dan?' (3,5,4) I think the answer is 'Man about town' but cannot see how the clue ties in with this. Any ideas...
1d Swimmer procured with a search (8) G _ A _ F _ S _ 4d Enjoy having a sheep in the picture (7) D _ _ _ R _ M 11a Spent day with church in the territory (9) _ _ C _ D _ C _ Y