I don’t know what anyone else thinks, but I think it’s appalling that school children aren’t now allowed to go to the loo during lesson times, in some schools. And even worse, girls have to show a red...
Ridges sometimes form across gravel roads when there is sufficient traffic. The roads are basically flat with a sprinkling of small stones. The stones group together into bands, about 15cm apart,...
Therese Coffey . "Environment Sectretary" ( Con Party) says . People struggling to to pay their electic bills or afford their food bills, should either get a second job, or work more hours in their...
The bill for investigating Boris and "Partygate" is now set to soar ,as the Govt wants to extend this case. It has already cost the taxpayer £222.000 in legal fees.But the Govt Contract with the legal...
jesus walks into a bar with the apostles Bartender: Table for 13? Jesus: No, 26 Jesus walks into a restaurant... "Table for 26 please" Confused, the Waiter does a quick head count, and says "But there...
I had an NHS email the other day saying I was receiving it as I had certain health conditions and advising me to keep testing kits in the house. Today I received- unasked - a box of test equipment....
....that anything Austria does makes zero difference to world emissions. Why do they not target the countries that can make a difference?...