I am not keen on food shopping. I know what I want and rally the trolley round the supermarket aisles. I am a very fast packer of goods too. So what really gets my goat is when you are paying for...
Hi, I just heard a news story stating that left handed people were once a twin,and that their twin had died in utero, and been reabsorbed. Has anyone else heard of this?
I'm 39 weeks pregnant tomorrow (Saturday) and since tuesday i've been having strong uncomfortable contractions that only occur late evening/ night and come and go for an hour or so. I'm guessing these...
Hi there! My baby is now 11 months old and moves all over her cot during the night. I am wondering whether I should move her onto her back again when she flips over and sleeps on her tummy or in a...
I just told my boss that i'm pregnant... He basically said the following things: "you're too young to be a mother" (im 22 karl 25) "you'll have to live at home with your mum which she wont want" "you...
Today was the first day when i felt truly proud of myself. I had my 12 week scan! Well im 12 and a half but it was a late appointment. As soon as the little blur appeared on the screen ... god i cant...
I have been with my partner for a number of years and he has always talked about having kids but i have never been ready. Recently I have had really strong feelings about having a baby and have asked...
1) help!!!! ive wash a few of my babys t-shirts with my new jeans and the dye from the jeans has made them light blue instead of white..how can i get them back to white, they have animals on front so...
we will be travelling to edinburgh next week, (by train) with our 12 week old baby. As we live 5mins away from train station here we are only taking our pushchair with us, as i do not like him sitting...
I'm around 12 weeks preganant now, still awaiting my first scan.... I was looking on another forum where ladies posted pictures of their bumps during the first trimester...and they look so big in...
when is the best time to take your decorations down, can't wait to take mine down, getting on my nerves down, the lounge will look so bare without them.
My husband thinks i am becoming obsessive about sterilising things!!! i have a 10 wk old, Jack, and he is mostly breast fed, but has bottles occasionally. He has started to teeth already (his dad...
Hope so!! Mine was great! Going to finish of the season's celebrations with a fabulous night out tonight to start the New Year off!!! Happy 2007 everyone :-)
Do you think a woman will live to regret it when she is alot older if she never has a child? All of my friends around me are having families and wanting children. I don't think my maternal instinct...
Has it been good or bad for you ? If you could change one thing that has happened to you, or to someone else, or to the world this year......for better or worse, what would it be ?
How early can you let your baby use a dummy to help sleep? We have a two week old daughter, and getting her to drop off after feeding is sometimes very difficult. Can you let a baby have a dummy at...