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Latest sighting photo hardly proof of UFO existence IMHO. Question: Why can't folk ever take in-focus fully-defined pictures of such objects ? Answer: Because they don't exist....
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Given all the controversy over the transgender issue and whether or not men who self-identify as women should be allowed to use women’s facilities, should we establish an accepted third gender as I...
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Last week I asked what do we get out of football in the UK, most seem to agree excitement. Now I'm not big on football at all ( as you know) but sometimes I tend to watch the odd game when the world...
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God is real, hell is real, and it is your choice whether or not you wake up to reality and accept the free gift of salvation. The alternative is too horrible to consider. It is either / or, there is...
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We, the great unwashed, know what rules are applicable to us, but what rules exist for the guidance of AB moderators, & how can we access them please?...
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there has been a parked car on a main road round the corner from me and has been sitting with no tax - am unsure re insurance. it has been there for about 4 months. is this legal, when all around some...
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7. Like being very near (8) 15. So thin it’s not visible (4) 17. Whitewash components comes in ticks (5) 18. Gulf state has an ent problem (7) Thanks in advance...
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I do realise that, at the moment, this will only apply in England but wondered how folks felt about it? Boris Johnson has signed off on plans to end the compulsory wearing of face masks from July 19,...
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Good evening ..... ♥♥♥
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. . . . let's have some more of that. Well played Emma...
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Anyone given advance notice of intended resignation. So for eg told an employer that you plan to resign before actually resigning? If so how does the letter below sound, (rough draft obv) Dear XXXX It...
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I thought the statue was going to be of her with William and Harry as children, but is shows her with a boy and a girl. Am I going mad??
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Not too bad for me this week. FIVE out of seven in the adult quiz . . . and THREE out of five for the junior one I...
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Currently watching NCIS . Dinozzo just asked if amyone has any talc . Must be decades since the last time I wore talc What about you ?...
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My wife wants to know if anyone has actually seen a photo of the latest baby.
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What do you think ?
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So 3 is a crowd right. My daughter at school has 2 best friends. They’re like a little 3some. The 2 girls do tend to clash together as a result of wanting to be best friends with my daughter.. this...
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My husband and I separated nearly 20years ago, but he said he didn't want a divorce because according to him, if he dies before me and we are still married, that I will get a reduced amount of his...
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She shows great talent as a painter. Whatever she chooses to do, I'm sure she will be a success.
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Raynor as leader of the Labour Party. And its not even April 1st. Joking aside it would be terrible for the country. We need a strong opposition not some loudmouthed not particularly bright pe4rson....

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