21a 5 letters looks like a football team, in reserve - sorry no letters 16d 7 letters a random bet isn't for Rab C - N???i?t 17d 3,4 letters - it's termed a cooked beef maybe (but not chicken), R??...
Dear All, I hope you are well. We are hoping to put together a complete directory of all crosswords, puzzles and quizzes which The AnswerBank users participate in. We wondered if you could help our...
13a 3-2-3 traditional French dish of beef stewed with vegetables, herbs and seasoning p*t *u *e* and 39d 5 ?n?c? a slight deflection of a ball with the side of the bat in cricket - is this knock?
10a 5 letters ???i? hung around, we hear, so stuffy and sober 2d 7 letters r?c???r the disturbing scale of some ostrich territories I would appreciate any help please. Thanks