you arent working, sick or disabled friendship something to pass the time of day I think if I was very healthy I would be doing other things(mind you I only learned how to use a computer about 6 years...
If there is one, I aim to be a selfish career woman with no thought for anyone but myself. So no husbands, no kids and no pets. What are your plans for your next life?
It's that time of year again. Got (Game of Thrones) seasons four has ended. I would now like to watch it all in one big dollop. However, I would like to do so offline. Does anyone know if Amazon...
Do you find Answerbank, Boring, Entertaining, Informative! I find it informative with all the tips etc from Home Food and Crossword sections etc but would like it to be more entertaining, find that...
I'm wearing a pair of white shorts and a lose top, no bra. Am I dressed appropriately for a hot sunny day in the garden, having chatted to the neighbours and pulled a few weeds up? Tomorrow I might...
This morning I watched someone use a piece of paper to help her with some arithmetic. The calculation was 79-15. Having solved this difficult problem she then had to add a number. I wouldn't have...
Has anyone any experience of taking this drug ? The pain management clinic have recommended that I take a low dose for severe arthritic/rheumatoid pain . However my GP is reluctant to prescribe it...
So, what are you all having....a BBQ, pizza (ha ha), take away, pub grub in anticipation of the footie, something else???
We're having leftovers from last night.... What is this country coming to when everyone has to think if certain actions may cause offence? Should...